PCB Silk Screen Design Guide Introduction You already know that all electronic devices are composed of circuit boards. PCB or printed circuit board is an integral part of today's electronic products. A green board with complex lines and patterns is called a PCB. In electronic devices, markings on the PCB ensure that all components work together smoothly. The manufacturing of PCBs consists of multiple components and steps. The final stage of making a printed circuit board (PCB) is to add silk screen printing on the top layer. Screen printing is the process of applying ink traces to a circuit board to identify its components, warning symbols, test points, markings, logo markings, etc. Typically, the component part is the side screen-printed by the manufacturer. It occasionally shows up in welding lanes, but it's expensive to get there. PCB screen printing helps manufacturers and designers quickly identify component layouts. PCB screen printing will ensure that the parts can be reassembled. Screen printing will provide the engineer or technician with information on where the component should be placed